Kendrick 1-Year Warranty
Our Premier Heaters require the purchase of one of our Dew Controllers. Our systems are all 12 VDC with the exception of our #2021-A Digi_Klear Pad Heater which runs on 120 VAC.
We recommend that you put your heaters in place at the beginning of an observing session and turn your controller on right away. For Premier Heaters, or heaters for Newtonian or RC Telescopes, we recommend a controller setting that represents about 20 to 40%.
If moisture has already condensed on your optics, we recommend covering the optics, turning the heaters on high and waiting 20 to 30 minutes. Once the moisture has cleared, lower your controller setting and resume observing.
Attaching Heaters
Generally, our heaters wrap around your optics, label side out and are held in place by elastic/Velcro attachments. The heaters for Newtonian/Dobsonian Secondary Mirrors, depending on which model you purchase, are either placed on the backside of the secondary and can be held in place by using the polyester batting found inside the secondary mirror holder (heaters #2016, 2017, 2018) or will wrap around the secondary mirror stalk (heaters #2028 & 2028-S). Newtonian Primary Mirror Heaters sit behind the primary mirror in contact with the back side of the mirror. Your mirror holder must allow for removal of your primary mirror to accomodate a primary mirror heater.
Eyepiece Heaters
Customers regularly ask if eyepiece heaters are necessary. They are just as much a necessity as the heater for the main lens or mirror in your telescope. In cool environments, moisture from your eye condenses on the eyepiece glass and without heat, is very difficult or impossible to remove.