PrimaluceLab EAGLE-compatible Power Cable
PrimaluceLab EAGLE-compatible Power Cable for Sesto Senso, Celestron, Meade, Losmandy, FLI, Orion, ZWO, QHY, QSI, ATIK, Explore Scientific, Starlight Instruments, Starlight Xpress, Optec, Kendrick, Daystar, Takahashi, iOptron and many more. If your power cable is not listed, check the accessory power requirements and sizes to match up the correct size and amps. If the cable for your equipment is not present among the optional accessories, please contact us and we will build for you.
Cable Compatibility List
3 Amp 2.1mm (PL1000042)
- SkyWatcher EQ6, HEQ5 and EQ5 mounts
- Celestron AVX and CGEM mounts
- Avalon-Instruments mounts
Losmandy mounts
- Orion Mounts
- iOptron Mounts
- Takahasi Mounts
- Revolution Imager
- Thousand Oaks Dew Controller
- Kendrick Dew Controller
- ZWO Dew Controller
- RoboFocus
- Daystar Quantum
- Tempest Fans
- Small LCD Monitors
3 Amp 2.5mm (PL100044)
- Sesto Senso
- ESATTO focusers
- Explore Scientific EXOS2GT
- Fork mount Meade Scopes
- Optec Focusers
- Moonlite Focusers
- Starlight Instruments
8 Amp 2.1mm (PL100043)
- QHYCCD cooled cameras
- ATIK cooled cameras
- ZWO cooled cameras
- QSI cooled cameras
Celestron CGX mount
- ATIK Cameras
- Celestron Nightscape Cameras
- Imaging Source Imaging Cameras
- Apogee Cameras
- MallinCam
8 Amp 2.5mm (PL1000045)
- Meade Cooling accessories
- Moravian Camera
If your power cable is not listed, check the accessory power requirements and sizes to match up the correct size and amps. All connectors are 5.5mm in length.