PrimaluceLab ESATTO 2" LP Low Profile Robotic Focuser
ESATTO 2” LP is the most compact low profile robotic focuser specially designed for telescopes with low backfocus and it can fit also the Celestron EdgeHD 8"! At just 32mm of thickness, ESATTO 2” LP provides a large 50.9mm free aperture with 10mm of travel, 5 kg of payload capacity and an incredible resolution of 0.03 microns per step! And like all the other ESATTO focusers, it comes with a USB-C port to let control it from your EAGLE or any Windows computer, ARCO port to let you connect to ARCO rotator, temperature probe port, WiFi connection to let you wirelessly control with a smartphone or tablet and dimmable LED lights!

The most compact low profile robotic focuser
The ESATTO 2” low profile robotic focuser is compact and lightweight; it's special design allow you to connect it also to Celestron EdgeHD 8" telescope without touching the primary mirror lock knobs and the manual focus knob. This way, with a body thickness of just 32mm, you can take advantage of a motorized focuser with 50.9mm free aperture that is able to carry up 5 kg of imaging accessories.
Designed to give your telescopes the best performances for astrophotography
ESATTO 2" LP low profile focuser comes with USB-C port to let you easily connect to the EAGLE or standard Windows computer, ARCO port to let you add our rotator and field de-rotator, 12V power port, temperature probe port, WiFi connectivity to let you control it through the Virtual HandPad and dimmable status LEDs.
It comes with PLAY, the Prima Luce AstrophotographY software.
ESATTO 2” LP comes with PLAY, the astrophotography software developed by PrimaLuceLab in order to record beautiful pictures of the night sky in the simpler way and with the telescope, mount and other accessories you prefer! PLAY includes many features needed for astrophotography and it allows you to configurate your telescope by selecting OTA and mount provided with ASCOM drivers (tested with ASCOM platform 6.5 and later), control focus with ESATTO or SESTO SENSO 2 and camera rotation with ARCO. In order to use PLAY you have to have at least ESATTO focuser or SESTO SENSO 2 focusing motor and, if you install PLAY in the EAGLE computer, it automatically adds more advanced features!
Designed to fit also Celestron EdgeHD 8" telescope
Special design of ESATTO 2” low profile robotic focuser allows you to connect it also to Celestron EdgeHD 8" telescope without touching the primary mirror lock knobs and the manual focus knob. This way, even if you add the optional 0.7x reducer (that reduces backfocus from 133mm to 105mm) you still have a lot of space to connect camera and accessories, also if you want to add our ARCO 2" camera rotator and field de-rotator!
Connect with a single cable to ARCO to remotely control also the camera rotator and field de-rotator
ESATTO includes a special port allowing ARCO, the camera rotator and field de-rotator, to be directly connected. With ARCO, you can remotely control the rotation angle of your camera in order to achieve perfect framing of the object you want to record. If you have an alt-az mount, you can use ARCO to de-rotate the field without the need of an equatorial wedge! By connecting ESATTO 2” LP to ARCO 2” you will have a rotating focuser in just 54.2mm of thickness and 50.9mm of free aperture.