Kendrick Wrap-around Secondary Mirror Heater
Canadian Compagny 
Our Premier Brand heaters are the best heaters made and they produce considerably more heat than any other brand. You don’t always need the extra heat, but there are going to be times that you are glad to have it.
Premier Heaters are designed to be used with cameras and camera lenses, telescopes optics of all kinds, binoculars and temperature sensitive electronics.
Premier Heaters require the purchase of one of our
Dew Controllers . Our systems are all 12 VDC with the exception of our #2021-A Digi_Klear Pad Heater which runs on 120 VAC.
We have heater systems for virtually any optic or electronic device used in amateur astronomy, outdoor photography and medical operating rooms. They are designed to keep electronic devices functioning and optics moisture free in humid and/or cold working environments.
The Premier Heater line is our flagship brand and our highest quality heater. They are built of the highest possible quality materials and the heaters are custom built to our electrical specifications. These are not off-the-shelf heaters! We use the best quality velcro, elastic and flex heaters available for this line. The cables are cold flexible down to temperatures of -40 and the cable housing is custom make for Kendrick to our specifications. All our competitors use cable that gets stiff and brittle in cold environments.
Our heaters have been built to use only as much power as necessary and thereby not waste energy. They have built in foam insulation on one side to help prevent heat loss in the atmosphere and direct the warmth generated by the heaters into the optics.