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Lunatico Astronomia CloudWatcher cloud detector
CloudWatcher advantages:
Full information about sky conditions
With sky quality measurement
Very affordable price
Reliable readings
Easy interpretation of all information
Connectable to the SOLO for low power, 24×7 availability
MAC OSX (developed by Richard Francis, GerSpatial, available from the AppStore at a very reasonable cost).
And autonomously with the SOLO
ASCOM safety monitor and observing conditions drivers available
Very low maintenance
A new version adapted to work with the Hydreon RG-9 Rain sensor (available from 2021 January). The current item, the CW standard version, can not be used with the Hydreon RG-9 Rain sensor, if you prefer the CW Hydreon version.
Extremely reasonable cost of eventual servicing/repairs (*)
Product in constant review and improvement
With the experience and service of Lunatico Astronomía
New screens, better information!
The CloudWatcher includes:
A custom box with a special exterior finish that includes:
Clouds sensor
Rain sensor – two versions: capacitive (this model *) and compatible with Hydreon RG-9
Light sensor capable of measuring the sky darkness quality – New 2022/2023
Dichroic UV/IR filter for the correct measurement of the sky darkness quality – New for 2022/2023
Temperature sensor
Relative Humidity, Atmospheric pressure sensor and Temperature sensor (RH & AP versions)
Anemometer (optional external accessory)
Long weather-proof cable (several lengths) with IP68 connector
Relay for observatory opening/closing
Let’s see them in detail:
► The CloudWatcher box. All the data collected by the AAG sensors and the anemometer are reflected in the computer through their corresponding graphics. These allow a comprehensive and easily understandable measurement of atmospheric conditions:
Clouds sensor
Through an infrared sensor of the AAG CloudWatcher measures the temperature of the sky, and an electronic thermometer measures the internal temperature. Both data are then related by a powerful formula used to determine the existence of clouds. The measuring result is easily read on the graphic “Cloud”.
Unlike other detectors, the AAG CloudWatcherallows the user to set the parameters for measurement, and thus adjust the detection of clouds for each place.
Rain sensor
CloudWatcher uses a variable capacitor to determine the existence of rain. In addition, the capacitor incorporates an internal resistance for heating the element, drying it, which allows a constantreliable reading.
Light sensor
From 2022 and 2023 the CloudWatcher incorporates a newextremely sensitive light sensorcapable of not only distinguishing day and night, but alsomeasuring the brightness of the background sky in “MPSA”(magnitudes per square arc second).Follow us in the forum for further information.
Temperature sensor
Responsible for measuring the ambient temperature.
Relative Humidity, Atmospheric pressure sensor and Temperature sensor (RH & AP version) The data from this sensor are supported bythe SOLO CW(attached image).
►Thecableconnects the CloudWatcher instrument to a PC and it is available in 4 lengths: 3, 5, 7, or 10m. (From 2018/November you also can get the AAG CloudWatcher without cable).
It has a special weather-proof connector, IP68, which allows the easy and comfortable installation of the unit. The cable can be routed conveniently through a conduit, the thicker part of it is only 19mm in diameter.
IP68 Weipu connectors for power cable and anemometer
►Relay (1) for observatory opening/closing, can withstand a voltage of 220 V. But not being a security cable it is advised to connect it to low voltage devices (12 or 24V).
Technical Specifications
Power 12 or 15V, current < 1 A
RS232 Serial port (**)
180gr.(no RH & AP version)
205gr.(RH & AP version)
130*85*45 mm.(no RH & AP version)
130*85*60 mm.(RH & AP version)
In addition, the CloudWatcher software incorporates advanced features such as:
Multiple users in LAN (MASTER mode and REMOTE mode operation);
MASTER and REMOTE installations can be independently parameterized;
Sky temperature correction model to account for excessive atmospheric longwave radiation during summer;
All alerts can be defined as sound alerts, with a specific sound file to be played when the alert condition occurs;
Switch control can be disabled and be performed by an external program (suitable to control other equipment);
Allows the electrical constants to be changed by the user;
A complete set of properties/methods for inter-program communications;
Compatible with existing firmware versions 1.xx, 2.xx and future version 3.xx;
ACP, Sequence Generator+, CCDCommander, CCDAutopilot, Prism, CCDAutoPilot, and Maxpilote compatible; plus any ASCOM-compliant software.
With the program, AAG WeatherCentre (***) can combine information from any standard weather station supported by Virtual Weather Station, Weather Display, or Cumulus software.
Several free programs for mobile devices, for example, the one developed by Francisco Jesús Cortés to allow you to receive an alarm on your mobile phone.